
Lot Z-69

Lot Z-69, located in the continental shelf, in front of the Piura provinces of Talara, Paita and Sechura, has a production of 4,700 barrels of oil per day on average and 13.8 million standard cubic feet (MMPCD) per day of natural gas.

As part of the contract, Petroperú has committed to increasing said production, thus generating greater job opportunities for the north of the country, operating in strict compliance with the license contract and with social and environmental responsibility.

According to the contract, Lot Z-69 will have a Social Development Fund, intended for the execution of projects that directly benefit the population located in the area of influence.

The State oil company has an experienced engineering and production operations management service to continue working optimally in Lot Z-69, which includes more than 70 marine platforms.

Likewise, to guarantee a safe operation, Petroperú has the oil and maritime services companies that were already working on said lot, as well as the operational personnel on the field.