Students learn more about the importance of hydrocarbons

More than 250 students from the native communities of Arutam, Fernando Rosas, Nueva Musa Kandashi and Nazareth, located in the district of Morona, Datem del Marañón province, Loreto region, close to the facilities of the North Peruvian Pipeline, participated in the hydrocarbon workshops presented by specialized Petroperú personnel.
These workshops, included in the scope of the Jinkay educational project, aim to provide participants with a deeper understanding of the hydrocarbon industry, its importance and its impact on society and the environment. In addition, it seeks to raise awareness among the population and promote responsible practices in the use of these products.
Classes are held on weekends so that not only students but also teachers, parents and community authorities who are interested in learning more about this resource can attend, as well as the correct handling, storage and use of hydrocarbons in daily life.
In this way, Petroperú continues to carry out its role of training the population in the responsible management of natural resources, as part of its commitment to the population of the communities near its facilities and to the environment.